Keras image data generator
Keras image data generator

keras image data generator

The dictionary containing the mapping from class names to class indices can be obtained via the attribute `class_indices`. If not provided, the list of classes will be automatically inferred from the y_col, which will map to the label indices, will be alphanumeric).

keras image data generator

Whether the images will be converted to have 1 or 3 color channels. The dimensions to which all images found will be resized. target_size: tuple of integers `(height, width)`, default: `(256, 256)`. y_col: string or list of strings,columns in the dataframe that will be the target data. x_col: string,column in the dataframe that contains the filenames of the target images. directory: string,path to the target directory that contains all the images mapped in the dataframe, You could also set it to None if data in x_col column are absolute paths. # Arguments dataframe: pandas like dataframe. Which allows you to treat all the data in the y_col column/columns as raw target values. drop_duplicates- Boolean, whether to drop duplicate rows based on filename,True by default.

keras image data generator

class_mode- In addition to all the class_modes previously available in flow_from_directory, there is “raw”. x_col- The column in the dataframe that has the filenames of the images y_col- The column/columns in the dataframe in the filename that will be treated as raw target values if class_mode=”raw” (useful for regression tasks) or they will be treated as name of the classes if class_mode is “binary”/”categorical” or they will be ignored if class_mode is “input”/None. directory- Path to the folder which contains all the images, None if x_col contains absolute paths pointing to each image instead of just filenames. The flow_from_dataframe accepts all the arguments that flow_from_directory accepts,and obvious mandatory arguments likeĭataframe- Pandas DataFrame which contains the filenames and classes or numeric data to be treated as target values. You can even do regression tasks that takes images as inputs and target values as outputs and it also supports multiple numerical target columns, so now you can create multi output neural networks easily. The best part about the flow_from_dataframe function is that, you can pass any column/s as target data(with class_mode=”raw”, any data that is provided on a column or list of columns will be treated as raw target Numpy arrays).


In former case, we already have the flow_from_directory method that helps you read the images from the folders, but in the later case you will need to write either a custom generator or move the image files to their respective class name folders and use flow_from_directory to utilize ImageDataGenerator, but now with the help of flow_from_dataframe method you can directly pass the Pandas DataFrame which has the mapping between filenames of the images and their labels. Most often the Image datasets available on the internet are either has images placed under folders which has their respective class names or placed under a single folder along with a CSV or JSON file which maps the image filenames with their corresponding classes. Now you can utilize Keras’s ImageDataGenerator to perform image augmentation by directly reading the CSV files through pandas dataframe.

keras image data generator


Keras flow_from_dataframe example article.Ī more detailed tutorial can be found at of keras-preprocessing library: Keras seems like taking time to migrate changes from keras-preprocessing library to Keras itself, So if you wish to use this flow_from_dataframe feature I suggest you do the following after you have installed keras, pip uninstall keras-preprocessing pip install git+ and import ImageDataGenerator from keras_preprocessing instead of keras.preprocessing from keras_preprocessing.image import ImageDataGenerator Tutorial on Keras ImageDataGenerator with flow_from_dataframe

Keras image data generator